How long is a session?
A session lasts 50 minutes.
Is it confidential?
Yes. Sometimes children tell me something which I feel is really important for parents to know. Then I will get in touch. I tell children about this from the beginning.
Do you contact my doctor?
Not routinely. It can be helpful to let your doctor know if you begin therapy.
Do you contact my child’s school?
Not routinely. Sometimes it can be helpful to speak with teachers but this would be discussed with you first and your permission sought.
What are your fees?
My fee is £60 per session though this can be discussed as necessary. Invoices are given at the end of each month and may be paid by cheque or bank transfer.
What about cancellations?
Cancellations should be made a week in advance otherwise the session is charged for. However, I recognise that unexpected circumstances arise.
What about holidays?
There are regular breaks in therapy. These are two weeks at Christmas, two weeks at Easter and three/four weeks in the summer, coinciding with school holidays. Regularity is important in therapy so if your holidays fall outside this it is helpful to let me know as soon as you can.
What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy?
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy takes account of the underlying feelings and experiences which shape what we do and how we do it. We’re usually unaware of these. However, the focus in psychotherapy is on the here and now, exploring the past inasmuch as it helps to understand the present. It aims to support change through understanding what happens to us, how we respond and how this shapes who we are.
Where are you based?
I offer consultations from Forest Hill, Oxford. Contact me on 07834 809246 or email to arrange an initial consultation.
What happens in the first consultation?
We think about the concerns which bring you or your child and the background to your concerns and we explore possibilities for help.
How long will does therapy last?
Therapy can be quite brief or last for some time. It depends on therapeutic needs and to some extent on your/your child’s availability.
Do parents and children come together?
This can sometimes be helpful for younger children. It can also be a good way to begin before going on to individual therapy.
Do I come every week?
Weekly intervals work best, and sometimes more frequently. A longer gap is hard when difficult feelings come up.
Can I contact you between sessions?
You can contact me by email and telephone between sessions if necessary.
To arrange an initial consultation,
please call me on 07834 809246
or email